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Wednesday, April 28, 2010


- Grant

Rights and Responsiblites of the Human Person

Every human has a right to life. They all have human dignity and it should be respected. God did create us in his image and likeness after all. The human right must be protected and responsibilities are met. This includes faith, family, food, shelter, work, education, health care, and freedom of religion. We all have the right to education and we all are equal. No matter what denomination, religion, etc. God made us all different, but we are all brothers and sisters. We all need to be there for others and protect others.
- Grant and Han

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Care for God's Creation Video (created by Grant)


We are all a big family, no matter what race, gender, or religion. We all have the responsibility to help others and to love one another. There is no need for fighting, racism or anything other negative towards your brothers and sisters. We're all a big family and yes, we all have disagreements but that doesn't mean we have to go to the extreme such as war. We all can settle it calmly and peacefully with God. But some people don't realize it though. Such as Iran hates Israel just because they are Jewish, that's no reason at all to hate anyone! We all have to accept others for who they are! You don't kill someone just because of there beliefs, what happened to Freedom of Speech? We all need to accept our brothers and sisters for who they are!
- Grant

Call to Family, Community, and Participation

We are all called to participate in social, political, and economic life. We use our faith to show good examples in these events. Our life would be boring without these events and we need meaning to our lives. You know whats right so fight for whats right when your in the situiation! You would want someone to fight for you if you needed some backup on the truth. We all can do it, its just a matter of who will.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers

The work we do is a sign of our participation for God's creation.Everyone who work have a right to decent work, wage, safe working conditions, and decisions about their work. We feel respect and value as we work for God's creation.We are using our talent and abilities to thank God for his gift. There is a value in every one's work because they are showing their value of work for God.

- Han

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

Our obligation is to help those who have less than us, to be those who make a difference and help those in need. People who don't have anything, we can give them food, water, etc. We need to help the sick that cannot help themselves. We all need help sometimes and we want people to be there to help us, well what about in someone else's case? What's the difference? Seriously, why should people help you if you won't help them? we all need some help one point in our lives so lets help others. You never know when someone could just need a hug or a "Hey, what;s up?" Our goal is to help others in need, so lets help people in need such as Haiti and people in our own community! Step up.