Man has always hunted for food, but its gotten to the point of us abusing animals now. There is nothing wrong with hunting, but there is something wrong with abusing the animals. God put animals on this earth for us, and he wanted us to do the right thing such as killing the animal peacfully, not slaughtering them. God gave us pets to make us happy, not to have dog-fights with them, not feed them, not hurt them, but to play with them and have fun with them. Pets are suppost to have a positive effect. Animals will always have a positive effect unless you cause them to do otherwise. Dogs play, but they don't bite each other or fight each other to the point of dying unless they were taught to. God put deer, fish, pigs, cows, and other animals on this earth for us to eat not abuse. Think about it...
info from http://stopanimalabuse.blogspot.com/